im in deep whenever im with you

Listening to: tsl .x. break up day
Feeling: accomplished
heey..whats up with everyone this fine morning?! nothing really here...trying to make plans considering ive been sitting on my ass for the past 2 DAYS IN A ROW but its all good. i would hang out w/ amanda but she has softball tournaments( i think we're okay now..) erin has to go to the docs, susan has to go to her brothers im going to ask the remaining if they want to do something today. because ive never actually planned a get-together before..honestly. and if no one can hang out today, i guess im going to take erins advice and lay outside under the sun!! im actually pretty anxious to do that.. hmm not much to say..ill leave you guys with a quizzer: What would you do if... Your hair began to fall out?: Cry..whine..cry some more then buy a wig or something Your best friend died in a car crash?: Cry Your most loathed teacher came onto you?: kick them Your most fancied teacher kissed you?: ooh lala ;) You wet the bed?: get a shower...then change my clothing and sleep somewhere else You were slapped across the face by your mother?: ...N/A Everyone forgot your birthday?: i would celebrate it with..myself!! You became a vampire?: keep turning into a bat and then back into a vampire then into a bat again..just for the heck of it Someone tried to rape you?: kick them...scream rape...use a rape whistle..[thats not broken] Your mother caught you 'doing something'?: ill just change it to father...uhm and i would...scream? Your father saw you naked by mistake?: blechk...dont even want to think about that.. Your jeans fell down in school?: pull them back up really quick and act as if nothing happened...or either laugh it off or run into the bathroom totally mortified..depends on my mood :D You were tripped over by that stupid blonde prep in your class?: find a devious plan to get her back Were asked out by someone you'd always felt sorry for?: id say..ill think about it? Accidentally killed a cat/dog/horse/beaver while driving your car or bycle.: i would probably cry You suddenly found you had the power of telekenesis?: haha..i would go around moving things with my mind...and freak people out..and hit people in the head...and bend some spoons..and be a disaster :D woot! You got a letter in the mail from your new stalker?: burn it! or write back and come onto them..just to freak them out You were told your family had just been murdered?: ...i dont know You found yourself attracted to the same sex?: that wouldnt happen.. You sent an anonymous Valentines card and that person found out it was you?: whats wrong with that? at least they know You parents told you they wanted you to go to therapy.: probably freak out...and ask him for reasons You accidentally sat on your little brother's hamster and killed it?: ive had that experience before[except i squished it with my knee]..and yup you guessed it..i cried You got asked to donate a kidney to your hated half-cousin?: if it was a matter of life and death.. You got an anonymous love letter: be happy :D You saw Spider-Man swinging by?: figure i was seeing things I asked you to go out with me?: hummm.. Some evil old man grasped your behind?: kick him You slipped in dog crap while everyone was watching?: who do you mean by..everyone?..i would probably laugh it off Your computer suddenly went blank and declared the matrix has you?: laugh
Read 58 comments
oh wow a freshman! that sucks!
college is going by so fast i only have 2 more weeks till SUMMER!!
Only have to go to 4 more of each class then im out of there!
Haha, i'm sucking no one in! I'm just talking to people! And ... it happens to all be girls ...
Haha, i'm sure there have been others to accomplish this astonishing feat!
lol yeah...

he has a way with chicks..


he's a funny guy, he is
Lmao, i want to meet him too!
lol yeah he used to be for me..

but then i found out a bunch of stuff...with some other chicks..that i didnt ever know..

so i got smart:)

Haha, christ, i thought those were extinct!
God, the last of a dying breed! What should i do ...
Lol, exactly, just people!
Haha, i think it has ... hmm, maybe i should move in some couches.
Haha, "fa sho."
Haha, what grade are you?
why how old are you?
im almost done with my first year of college
Damnit i hit anonymous.
Lol yeah, i forgot as well.
lol joel is a pimp
only 2 years older... im young for my grade i guess... when i was a senior in high school i was 17, i was actually 17 for most of my first semester of college
... are you two trying to tag team me here? Lol.
Haha, hey! I like Harry Potter!
LMFAO!!! A fruit stand. That's great! I'm coming to visit sometime!
Oh yeah! A real billy badass!
Alrighty then! Goodnight! I had fun too!
hehe im trying to IM you right now and your're not talking! ahh oh wait nvm :)

what state you live in?

ahhh ic. i live in new york. the only time i've been in new jersey is for a cheerleading competition a couple of years ago. lol yeah i USED to cheer. heh

thanks again:)
Haha, if i reach 300 ... whoa. I'd be the biggest whore ever!
ya i feel cool about it lol. love TSL btw.
hey lol I looove ur diary its reallie cute!
God, how i hate the labels. I wear girls jeans and tight t-shirts, and i have long hair and lots of ear-rings ... so i'm automatically "freak" to rest of the world. Well we get into specifics with other rockers, such as emo, indie, hardcore, and so on. I'm into many different kinds, so yeah ... Lol.
haha lol ya i guess we do.

but when i do that the picture doesn't show up
ooh thank u soo much!!
hmmm.... thanks!
last one was from me!! haha!
haha. you are a cool kid. you can IM me if you want (AIM)

Shine X Through


Hey thanks! Yeah I've been doing html for a while so it wasn't too hard...later :)
Thanks alot, but i already am! Just really tired from building a barn all day today ... (such a waste of the day.)
Haha, thanks, but ... i guess your another blind girl ...
Haha, nevermind. Nice ... weather? Lol, wherever you live.
Haha, why would i not want to? Your badass!
Haha, that's my pal brady in my HIM hat! I still need that back from him too ... lol.
your diary is really cool
It's all rock! I hate pretty much all maintstream. But i love AFI, The Rasmus, and like all classical bands, and so much more. What about you?
how did u get those pictures as ur background?
Ha, exactly! We should end the rock segregation! Lol.
Haha, hell yeah. Add away!
Well, just hanging with friends, playing with my band, and i don't know, whatever is good at the moment lol. What about you?
Lol, just go here ... ... then go to Bands, then click on No Genre.
Haha, yes it was down for a while. It does that too much!
It does that all the time around 9 or 10 pm
its really annoying!
hey mr blackromance is getting slick with telling ever girl on sitdiary they are hott! i read one that said "your pic keeps making me come back to your page" CHEEZY!!!
yea... look at the people who wrote him comments... then look at the comments he wrote them! pretty damn funny!
Haha, well look at the journals i went to ... only the ones with pics of "hot girls" i said that to.
haha! probably does copy and paste!
Hell yeah, that'd be crazy, i wonder if anyone ever has gotten 200 ... hmm ... lol.
Dont feel bad, hes just doing it for the comments... although we are all playing into the little game...
Damn us! lol were all sucked in to giving him his comments!
by the way i added you to my friends