Listening to: the telly
Feeling: anxious
well..good to say i got my background thing fixed..lol
i dont know what to say because everything i talk about now is either sad..in which i get made fun of..or about what i do with my friends..which i also get made fun of..
so ill just not say anything cause i really dont feel like starting shit
hmmm..my one friend has a huge problem..and i was helping her with it like all night last night..i feel really bad for her and i wish i could help her..and i found some stuff out that i didnt know before and its really starting to scare me..i cant really say anything here sorry...and i thought i had some problems..wow..its nothing compared to other peoples..so i should just stop making a huge deal about mine
i played tennis for like 4 hours yesterday..1 and a half for practice and like 2 hours on my own free time cause krystle didnt go to practice so i practiced w/ her..then we got ice cream at nixons and it was hugeee..[Invasion of the Ice Cream..heh]
my homie is fat and ugly and weird looking and he looks stoned..i wish i had one that had a basketball and is doing a cool ghetto hand motion :(
taylor my neighbor came back from military school or whatever yesterday for the summer..he changed a lot..he got a lot taller than the last time i saw him..its kind of weird seeing him again because i havent for so long..hes a cool kid
my other computer is making really weird noises..like being really loud and when the screen saver goes up it makes crackling (?) sounds? haha its screwed
wooooh..im going to the beach today :) ive been wanting to for the longest time..if it doesnt rain then we're going i hope my daddy lets us invite a friend i wanna layyy outtt i need a tan or even sunburn im too white :)
im not allowed to go outside because theres a rabid raccoon running around my neighborhood..so we're basically on lock down due to rabid raccoon..i wonder what rabies are like..hmm
well hmm i think im going to go play harry potter or something and wait for my dad to get home..write later!

who were u helping?