Listening to: harry potter
Feeling: reminiscent
hey kids!! yess..im back!! to the garden state..oh fun. lol..utah was BEAUTIFUL..i havent really seen mountains like that before..it was amazing..i honestly wouldnt mind at all living out thereee
i took 4 rolls of pictures..me and my brother just had to take like 4 pictures of just about everything..cause we are picture addicts :) it feels good to be back..it was so dry out there i thought i was going to die
well on my list of things i liked:
.hiking in the desert (i only liked it when we went downhill lol)
.looking at mountains of course
.the fact that there were like NO mosquitoes at all
.hanging at my cousins house
.missing tennis
.the plane ride!
.taking pictures (ill share with you when i get them developeddd!)
and i never thought id say this but sitting in the back of the car practically all day with my brother wasnt so bad..
we decided that instead of following the crowd and using the normal phrases like "thats cool" "thats awesome" "thats rad"..that we will now use the phrase "thats killer" :)
i feel so gross i need to get a shower and my head hurts like crazy..and i need to unpack so ill finish later!...
i got a trucker hat.
its pink and it says...hurley
and the guy at the cash register gave me a hurley cupholder...how KILLER is that?!
and i got a shirt with a moose on it!
and i also got sunburn..from our hardcore hikes..i have such an awful tanline..blechkk! its on my neck and my legs and i look abnormal
so yeah! i want my pictures to develop but i just got home like an hour ago lol so be patientt!!
i feel lost.you dont know how lucky you are to have best friends.people to fall back on when things get hard.as for me..i lost mine..i feel like im in a maze but theres no way out (go ahead make fun of it lol)..unless youre still up for another try?i know i am..
anyway enough of that..random goo goo dolls re-obsession..hmm i never realized just how boring jersey is..i want to move..wouldnt mind starting all over again.that way i wont have to live with the regret i have now
i have absolutely NO PLANS for this week so im free..except for unpacking :-/
thinking about changing my layout again..hmm..think i should?!
well im out of things to say so im gunna go...yet again
ps-homie means man in french
go ahead. take that doo rag and shove it up yo ass

keep it rad