[x. Mood .x]

hey im in 3rd period study and omg...GUESS WHAT
ITS 2-12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would make it like REALLY big if i knew how lol
omg yay!! today has been pretty good so far cauz i think im making it out to be..lol
i gave my bus driver the wrong directions this morning :(..cauz it was a sub and i had to tell her where to go and i got her lost lol i dont give good directions at all
today is the sci league competition thing and me and amanda get to see DAVE! lol hes soo hott and hes just so cool..even tho we've never talked to him..yet! lol but i wanna so we are lol
aah today WILL be the best...no matter what happens itll be just the best day ever.i made amanda a card and it said happy 2-12!! and a bunch of other stuff.and i also wished
everyone a happy 2-12.but they had no idea what i was talking about lol.but its fun confusing people sometimes :).
well id just like to tell everyone HAPPY 2-12!!!! i hope you have a very good day.i know i will ;) bye!!!


2-12-99 at the stroke of midnight.holding you tight your body and mine.in february
ps-happy 2-12?