dammnn my social life sucks
yesterday night was pretty boring i guess you could say. seriously- if someone else lived my life for a day i could guarantee you they would go insane from lack of fun-ness. yesterday my dad took me for a ride in his triumph..it was nice. we stopped for ice cream :D..i really wanted to go to the mall or something but me being the antisocial person that i am, didnt call anyone up to make plans.
i saw jenna there too. we're cool
today was kind of weird. i was outside a lot..i dont know i felt like a little kid and i wanted to explore everything..lol it was really weird. i was like watching ants..omg someone save me right now.
and when my sister came home from sball we went out and went shopping for a little. i got jean shorts and comfy shorts that say "princeton" on them. and i got a skirt and its c-o-o-l. and i got some other stuff but thats for me to know and you not to find out ;) lol
so ive been sitting her for roughly 3 hours. at home. doing nothing. i might go to patty bowker w/ my brother..but i dont know..i would ask people to meet up w/ me but im not too sure because they prolly wont want to..lol..i could ask erin because she goes there a lot but i think she might be at jess' or something because they had a sball tourney today. and some other people..i dont know if they wanna go w/ me..you kno..but i dont know :/. god i wish i lived anywhere but HERE! not fun.
bleck. when i start driving im going to go to the mall every night. until i get sick of it. and i will take everyone with me and we will PARTAY! i wanna get outta this house sometimes sooo bad.
well im gunna jet..
