Listening to: Normal Like you-addicted to faith
Feeling: amazing
hell yeauh!!!! schools out everyone..! i dont miss anyone..or anything..NOTHINGGG..hahaha today was amazing
okay well other than we did absolutely nothing..uhh we signed yearbooks practically the whole day..susan wrote splooge on my arm and i couldtn get it off..we took a bunch of pictures in latin..(ill share them w/ you when i get them developed)!! they are so cool..science was a blast..got a picture with mr horner that damn man is my idol! haha and took pictures yet again and goofed around..health..made erin try a sardine jellybean..hahaha
then we um..yeah randomly decided to go to nixons (me erin sophia amanda)..yeah we're the kind of losers that stay after to walk to nixons in the hot weather..thats us!! we got food and ate..not to mention a whole tub of spongebob ice cream..haha you guys..we totally pigged out..on the way there me and erin heard chillun' screaming so we screamed w/ them and oh yeah you cant forget they made me run to mr wiltsees car and put a love note on his door handle..from ERIN! and we smelled like flowers..and almost died on the way to nixons.
then after that we left nixons and went to oms..and saw all our old teachers..yet again. we wrote all over ms steitz's board and felt very privileged because no one writes on her board..NO ONE! haha we were cool..and me and erin played hacky sack in the hallway blah blah blah..then amandas mom picked us up and i went to sophias house..and we PARTAYED on her trampoline..and talked for like 2 hours..and tyler was rustling in the leaves and stalking us behind the trees! ahh lolol...and we were ballin' like carazy..not. and my dad yelled at me for not telling him i was staying after and blah blah and all that
im wearing a long sleeve shirt because i got this bruise on my arm and it hurts and i have no idea where it came from so i dont want to see it
i cannot believe that summer is here...i mean..its so weird..this year went by incredibly fast. incredible. now we are SOPHOMORES! you honestly dont know how good it feels to not be freshman anymore..and now no one can call us stupid freshmen..so now we can call the freshmen next year stupid freshmen! YES! it all works out
me and erin are starting a hacky sack club!! who wants in?!
well..im out..watch tv or read or something..!

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