she lives just to hear her beautiful letdown

Listening to: amber pacific
Feeling: eh
in the week was pretty good. did the english project like all week at leahs went to six flags on sunday w/ susan!! six flags *hello?? hello HELLO! *dude *seatbelt trend *suupperrmannn!! *score we found one! (miss high five) *running and walking *yankees hats *guy patrol! *kinda creepy *i rub you yeh about the hello thing..this 40 year old mexican guy was hitting on me..cauz i was on the phone and i was like hello? and he was right next to me and he was like hello...and he made that creepy old man hitting on someone face...and i like ran away haha that was the best..then monday went to aunts house for a barbecue thing.. im very mad at people this week yesterday i went to old navy bathing suit shopping! lol..i got a dark green bathing suit w/ white polka dots and those long board shorts..theyre really cool like tan and pink..and i got a purse because it was only like 6 bucks..oh yeah lol today im going to the basketball game..and tomorrow..its gunna be some fun stuff well im gunna go because i need to write back some people cant stop listening to the player lol i hope my music isnt too loud
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if you consider talking to someone..once...twice?..three times tops knowing them..sure..and the whole freaking school could get it from anyone.and that would be my fault if everyone did find out about this.(admitting it) and i didnt ignore you..ignoring you would be like what youre doing to me now..i dont know everything..not even at all...but you cant know someone without talking to them in person at least. "is it so wrong to ask someone"
"for someone elses sn just because i want to talk to them?" thats what carissa did to me. she just wanted to talk to him...
i dont know why she wanted it..she doesnt like him..she likes someone else and its not him