unrealistic past

Listening to: michelle branch
Feeling: apologetic
*reading unrealistic memories* i was just looking at all the old things i wrote in my diary and poems nd shit i wrote i never can belive that that happend it feels unrealistic and feels like it never happend... but i feel kinda sad... i derno why ... but im happy now cuz things have changed alot from back then and its a good thing ...and what the fuck... how could people be like so gay back then? really people are stupid it feels like all of that stuff was a lie and it was never really there but if u read some of the stuff i wrote... you wuldnt believe i was a 7th grader because it is all true... so believe it cuz its how life was for a whole year witch was so fucking crazy wow *but yea neways... friday was so much fun me nd grace think! until like later at night but yea hahaha nd sherry is so fucking funny wow!! then saterday i got in a fite with a friend nd was feeling kinda upset but then had fun at night and slept at graces i was happy but we got 9 1/2 hours of sleep and on friday i got like four so i was soo tired all day i could tell by how i started crying .. but yea today is sunday and i really dont wanna go to school 2marro so im gunna try nd ditch lol but yea neways ill write more later... _UNrealISTIC memories never fade away_ -Gordon if u see this... sorry... i shuldnt have said what i said*
Read 4 comments
you never know the pain someone feels.

&there are alot of people that are just like you. you aren`t the only one.


[ nothingleft ]
your iwebmusic puts viruses on peoples computers :'(

I can't comment back because it will crash my computer. sorry. toodlez

thanks for the commetn though.

if you take it off, tell me, and ill come back.
yeah. but sometimes you don`t want to tell you`r friends what`s wrong. because you don`t know how they would react. &they aren`t going through the same thing. &they might think you`re only depressed cause you want attention. :/
maybe they don`t want to tell you because they don`t know how.
it`s possible.
