funny like an easter bunny

Listening to: *bings* from MSN
Today was fun. Last test, yay! No more! Oh well, they were an easy waste of 2 periods. And I got to sleep after 2 of them.. woot. I think Mrs.Faulkner is pregnant. So does everyone else. Well most of the fun today took place in construction, like it usually does, with Mitch and Matt. Mitch was like.. making out with the side of my plastic box it was funny, and then he wouldnt let me wipe it off on him cause it was a "new shirt" and "new hair gel" haha. Okay then matt goes up to Tasha and gives her a hug.. then says do you want a hug too tessa? and hugs me AND Tash at the same time.. then mitch comes up behind matt and gives us all a hug.. and he reached around and his hand "landed" on my basooma and i started laughing and turned all red because... thats what I do. And they made fun of me the rest of the day for it! And mitch grabbed my hand and directed it to the crotchal area.. then matt comes up and grabs the other hand and does the same thing. And i just started laughing. Then later matt does it again.. and again.. and again.. and again.. and again. And when we were walking down the hall hes just like "I know you want to touch it again, you didnt even resist before" and I just told him later.. so he would leave me alone haha. IN MATH! Ashley and I were working with Bart and oohhh my god.. he pissed us off sooo much. He thinks he knows everything, dont get me wrong, i like him and all but he just pissed me off sooo bad. And then we were sitting there.. and all of a sudden bart whispers "wow...what an ASS" and I look at him, see hes staring, turn around and he was staring at Chelsey's bum. I looked back at him and hes just like "Oh my god.. did I say that outloud?" it was sooooooooooooooooooooo unbeleivably funny! We couldn't stop laughing.. Bart told Cooper what he did and Cooper told Chelsey to never bend over in front of Bart again.. hahahhahah. Anyway.. good day. Again. Geeeeeezzzzz I love mitch haha. I don't have feelings for him though, i just enjoy him. Later, Tessa i♥u
Read 12 comments
ibanez sr 885 (black 5 string), and a jay turser-warwick corvett standard 4 copy...that was going to be my fix up bass, MEC pickups, bass tremolo, groover tuners, ect...but i dumped to much money into a PA.

what kind-o-geetar have you got
go get a mcjob..they hire 14 year olds
hell i wish i had a pizza hut. our little ceasers was hiring and i was thining of working there for a second job...but then i decided i have no time.
a bar, cooking and bar backing (doing what ever the bartenders and waitresses tell me to do), and alot of other professional bitch.
right now 7 an hour, but i might be getting a raise next month...they have to talk it over with me.
heyy whats goin on? ya dont talk to me nemore... :( lol
hope yer doin alright!

yeah i was having a bad owell. lol...pz out girl scout!

ahhh im getting a haircut on wednesdaaayyy!!! i dno how shortbut im a litle nervous haha.. ive heard i look like sandra bullock by like 2 ppl but other than that i look like a peice of shit :) haha byeee love u
sup yo.

won't leave you hangin forever!
for a second i though you wanted me to cut it like brad pitt.. i'm really smart, i know.
are you trying to seduce me? ;) hahahah yeah the only things i like about myself are my lips and eyelashes. pretty sad, i know.. siiiiigh.