I'm totally mixed up with my days.
Ugh school tomorrow, well it's a new semester, excited to see who's in my classes.
GERMAN BABYY!!!! So excited. SOO many awesome people in my class. Ugrgdzav!
I'm always hungry and it sucks haha. I can never get enough to eat.
Kristen and I are gonna start to go to the gym once a week! I'm excited. We're gonna check the prices out this thursday or something. yeah.
So I chopped off all my hair! I feel bald. But I really like it. The style and everything. And it's so easy to manage. I don't know if I'll keep it this length though, thinking about it. Only downside is that I can't put it in a pony! Oh well.
My life is good, but not too interesting haha. That's why I haven't written in a while.
Yeah. so. Later days
i still love that song..never gets old.