worth commenting on

So today I had the best sandwhich of my entire life. It had roastbeef and melted cheese with some sort of sauce, a little bit of mayo, and some green things. Now we all know I HATE HAVING GREENS ON MY SANDWHICHES/SUBS and i HAAATTE MAYO... but this thing was absofuckinglutely delicious!!!!!!! I decided it was good enough to make an entry about. wow. what a way to start summer (kind of) and here's an editted schedual of mine cause im fucking BORREDDDD Monday 12 - was just wiht patrick and possibly with charlie later on Tuesday 13 - ben Wednesday 14 - angeeela Thursday 15 - what did I do.. oh yeaa, movies Friday - ben Saturday - movies, absolutely nothing, study, absolutely nothing Sunday - work Monday - GERMAN TEST. AND GOING OUT WITH ALY!!!!!!!! AND SOME OTHER PEOPLE IM NOT SURE WHO (trevor & corey maybe) Tuesday - Math test & Jennifer Wednesday - Ben Thursday - maybe ben Friday - test and.. there was something else but i dont remember what
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lol that was sterling