
So tonight I went to Charlie's. Patrick was there. First we started off with playing some starwars on xbox, but that got super old super fast. So we decided to watch the movie Rounders. We sorta watched it, but kept throwing pillows at eachother and stuff. Near the end I said "Patrick go get me some icecream" and Charlie suggested we make floats. So we go downstairs and get it all set up, and for some reason charlie goes into the other room.. and then we just hear this loud bang and "OW.. shit" and walk out to find charlie on the floor. He tripped on a table and hit his head on the fireplace.. it was funny. Then we all just sat there on the floor (Charlie layed down.. he was dizzy) and talked about random shit. Then we remembered our floats.. so we went and got em, then ate them while we watched the rest of the movie. Then on to Xbox again! Played Halo 2. I was completely owned. But did some awesome kills too. Then we all spooned. Hahaha. We fucking attacked eachother with the spoons from our floats. My knuckles, knees and fingers are soo swollen and sore. Patrick bled. It was very fun, but very painful.. we did that for a while. Then we watched some of Miami Ink. THen I came home, the end
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on a plate.
lol yes i know how to spell but it sounds better and ryhmes better that way....DONT QUESTION MY GENIOUS
with a
Tessa is a hottie
haha ore larry would have to fend for his lazy self
shh your wasting time i have to go!
or a tray
i have to go to work in ...10 minutes?

and strawberries
who likes chocolate!
and bananas
peaaanut butter