.:.*32*.:.ppl piss me off

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Feeling: playful
yes..this is a complain entry...but do i care? FUCK NO. i fuckin hate ppl n they just LOVE to push my buttons til they cant get pushed ne more. FUCK! gay ass ppl at skool...my mom especially pisses me the fuck off. thinking shes so fuckin kool n she aint. n she thinks shes funni, wen realli, shes making a fuckin fag outta herself. she ALWAYS tries to act kool and "funni" by telling stan lies...saying that im doing shit n lying about fuckin things that i say to him. n he believes her cuz shes my fuckin mom. n then he gets fuckin pissed at me n starts bitching, then wont talk to me. FUCKIN BITCH!! i fuckin hate that shit. n my mom thinks its fuckin funni n fuckin laffs at it. im like wtf?! cuz of ur fuckin bitch ass, hes fuckin pissed at me...FOR NO FUCKIN REASON. we'll see whos laffing wen i fuckin murder ur fuckin UGLY FUCKIN GAY QUEER HOMOSEXUAL APE CAVEMAN LOOKING FUCKIN BITCH ASS HUSBAND. now who will be laffing bitch?! NOT U!!! ME!!! YES, ME! i fuckin hate his ass. so quit fuckin with me n stan fuckin bitch, fuck!! and i hope kati tries to kill herself again, n FUCKIN SUCCEEDS THIS TIME. SHES the one thats making her own fuckin problems. fuckin psychotic bitch. all she ever wants is all the fuckin attention. n she blames her fuckin problems on carlos. n he aint doing shit to her! shes a fuckin skank ho bitch ass ugly fuckin slutty ass cunt. n she shouldnt even be with a fuckin 28 year old guy in the 1st fuckin place...shes fuckin 15!!! hes twice her fuckin age. FUCKIN BITCH....URA FUCKIN SLUT. n shes fuckin ugly too. she wears too much make up...fuckin ugly as shit too...she acts like she dont kno shit n talks like afuckin baby just to get attention from every1...she wears her fuckin skirts, n rolls them up, so u can see her fuckin ass....skimpy ass shirts...all in all, SHES A FUCKIN SLUTTY ASS BITCH ASS WHORE N I CANT FUCKIN STAND HER. "thats just dumb, i would NEVER cut myself or try to kill myself...EVER.." well...wtf does she do?!?! since jessica n stephanie got attention from doing that shit cuz of their real problems...kati wanted all the attention...so she started cutting herself. but they aint even fuckin cuts...theyre fuckin scratch marks, that barely even bleed...or she'll carve sum1's name into her arm, n u can barely even see it....n THEN, she FUCKIN BRAGS ABOUT THAT SHIT! im like wtf bitch?! it iant sumthin to be happy about. fuckin bitch. so then the other nite i guess...her fuckin dumbass tried to OD on some fuckin pills...then hang herself...but her mom walked down, so now shes back at county. FUCKIN DUMBASS BITCH. UGH!!! i dont ever wanna see her fuckin face again around me. fuckin backstabbing ugly ass whore. she needs to grow the fuck up n get a fuckin life. holy shit, i wrote a whole fuckin lot :|. o well, see if i care.
Read 2 comments
I'm sorry about your stressful life you poor girl, i hope your mom stops acting like a loser, for your sake :].
wow hunny, that was A LOT of fucks, n bitches, n (one cunt), n lots of other bad bad words. still luv u tho. things will get better. -andrea