Things are startin to look up for me lately =]. Honestly couldn’t be happier with the way things have been going in my life. I have the best friends that anyone could ever ask for to help get me thru anything n everything that I go thru. I <3 them. Single life couldn’t be any better right now either =] I love the fact that I can go out n party n get drunk without havin to check in with anyone or tell anyone where ima be at n wat time ima be home n shit. N I can talk to who everrr the fuckkk I want =] LOVE. Although, I did go on a date Sunday nite =P but hes different n ik that for a fact cuz ive known him for 2 yrs now. It pretty much went p.e.r.f.e.c.t <3.. car show, dinner at Chilis, then went to see “no strings attached”. Topped off with a good nite kiss =]. Cant get any better right? Buuut we’ll see how things go. Right now our schedules collide majorlyyy n we don’t kno how to work around it yet =.. I work 730-530, he works 2-11. I have off fri-sun.. he has off wed n thurs = gayyy. But who knows wat can/will happen. Only time will tell. Good things happen to those who wait… well, im pretty sure I deserve to be nothing but happy n in the as perfect as perfect can get, relationship. Done with the douches. Out with the old, in with the new =]