another mondayby luvmehatemeListening to: some cut
Feeling: torn
2day was pretty good i guess. i think theres sumthin either about my 3rd hour room, or my gay ass teacher that makes me n carly sick, literally, everytime we go in there. like 2day, all of a sudden my stomach hurt sooo fuckin bad i thought i was either gonna pass out or puke, i got all pale n shit. n then all of a sudden carly got a major headache. jeeze, wat is he doing to us?!?! lol ugh. then after class, i was fine, prolly cuz aaron was leaning on me lol. aww, hes so cute. mk...ne wayz, i seen jeremy on my way to lunch n i was copying wat he was saying, n he seen me n like swung around realli fast n grabbed me. i was like holy shit. n he was all squeezing me "aw, i missed you". lol, it was cute, but i was getting the life sucked out of me lol. but then he had to go to class, so i was able to breathe again. umm, nothing else realli happened yet...stan sent me a text after skool :D yes, it was cute, n i liked it. ok, i think thats it for now...
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