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Feeling: crushed
how could you do this? we were so close n so far into the relationship. it felt like 10 years since we've been 2gether...n now its just the snap of a finger. i want it all back so badly...cant u see? ill do ne thing for u... :'(
if u ppl havent figured it out yet...then do the world a favor: unplug ur computer...NOW! fuckin idiots. *rolls eyes* n him aint 2gether ne more :(...but he said we'll more than likely be back 2gether...cuz thats just how he is, n he just needs time to think n get shit straight or w/e. so lets hope we do get back...ima fuckin wreck without him...n it sux!! cat died last nite:'(...still havent stopped crying from that...its gonna be a while b4 i get over it too...*sigh*..
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