.:.*80*.:.allergies SUCK!!

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Feeling: sinful
jeeze i hate my allergies :'(. i woke up sneezing all over n with a sore throat. :( ughh. n if i talk to much, i start having a cough attack from my throat :|. lol o well. 2day was um..ok i guess. haha, me n aaron got into a kicking/slapping/shuving fight. lol it was great. then i kicked him in his "bad knee" so he walked away haha. umm...the rest of the day was pretty much a laid back day. that was kool. i had my geometry test 2day too...i dont kno how i did on it cuz i dont get wat we're doing...but the answers that i got looked rite to me but who knows. so0o ya...i just sneezed n it got on my kitten :| lmfao...o man, i was laffing so hard n now i have the hiccups. UGH.
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your background is soo cute =)
