Listening to: kiss me
Feeling: fine
[x] Full Name: ashley,aint giving my last name
[x] Nick names: uh..short shorts? lol
[x] First Breath: december 28
[x] Age: 16
[x] Girl or Boy: girl
[x] Height: 5'6"
[x] Hair color: blonde
[x] Eye color: blue-ish, greenish, yellowish
[x] Glasses/Contacts: none
[x] Braces: no
[x] Where were you born: milw. wi
[x] Current Location: milw. wi
[x] Today's Date: May 15, 2005
[x] Time: 1 41 pm
[x] Mother's name: lisa
[x] Father's name: who cares
[x] Brother's name: jacob, justin
[x] Sister's name: jessica
[x] Favorite aunt: angie
[x] Favorite uncle: none
[x] Favorite cousin: prolly kristina
[x] Favorite grandpa: none
[x] Favorite grandma: none
[x] What school do you go to: nathan hale
[x] What grade are you in: 10th
[x] Current G.P.A: idk
[x] Favorite grade: idk
[x] Least favorite grade: idk
[x] Favorite teacher: miss lorentz
[x] Least favorite teacher: mrs. lentz..bitch
[x] Favorite subject: spanish
[x] Least favorite subject: history
[x] Do you play sports/ extracurricular activites: nope
[x] Number: 7
[x] Letter: A or S
[x] Toy: none
[x] Movie: 2many
[x] T.V show: um, dont kno
[x] Shoes: k-swiss, nike
[x] Clothing: 2many
[x] Cologne/Perfume: mary kay
[x] Song: 2many
[x] Candy: baby ruth
[x] Food: cousins subs
[x] Singer: 2many
[x] Group: 2many
[x] Type of music: rap, r&b
[x] Hangout: um, at a friends? idk
[x] Fastfood Restaurant: taco bell
[x] Seanson: spring
[x] Day: idk
[x] Weekday: friday or saturday
[x] Month: december
[x] Shampoo: herbal essences
[x] Deodorant: idk jeeze lol
[x] Car: lamborghini
[x] Country: usa? lol wtf
[x] State: mexico ;)
[x] Boy's name: o god, way 2 many
[x] Girl's name: same with the boys
[x] Music video: idk
[x] Word: idk, i say 2 much lol
[x] Swear word: bitch fuck shit?
[x] George Bush: gay ugly ass
[x] Laguna Beach: iguana lmao
[x] Jessica Simpson: slo ass
[x] Hilary Duff: DIE BITCH!
[x] Britney Spears: slut
[x] Fuck: yes please! haha
[x] Orange: ugly color
[x] Love: stan
[x] Gay: my word
[x] Donut: mmm
[x] Water: water fights :D
[x] Rock or Rap: rap
[x] Rap or Pop: rap
[x] Rock or Pop: rock
[x] R&B or Rock: r&b
[x] Metal or Rock: rock
[x] Pop or R&B: r&b
[x] Pop or Metal: pop
[x] Rap or R&B: both
[x] Britney or Christina: britney?
[x] Hilary or Lindsay: lindsay, die hilary!!
[x] Chad Michael Murray or Jude Law: idc
[x] Gay or Lesbian: wtf? who cares?!
[x] Usher or Justin Timberlake: usher
[x] Basketball or baseball: basketball
[x] Pen or pencil: pen
[x] Skateboard or rollerblade: bust my shit if i tried skateboarding again lol
[x] Ski or snowboard: snowboard
[x] Me or you: you ;)
[x] Dora or Blue: blue
[x] Red or Blue: blue
[x] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: o yes
[x] What is he/she's name: stan
[x] How did you meet: through a friend
[x] How many friends do you have: too much
[x] Do you smoke: no
[x] What about drink: every1 does
[x] Are you a virgin: yep
[x] If no, when was the last time:
[x] Best friend: carly
[x] Known the longest: um, kati prolly iono
[x] Craziest: karyn
[x] Shyest: aaron
[x] Sweetest: cassie? idk
[x] Nicest: becky
[x] Most likely to get lost: carly lmao
[x] Most likely to fall in love alot: andrea..with me ;)
[x] Scariest: karyn
[x] Best hair: carly or karyn
[x] Most athletic: um, will or aaron
[x] Most likely to say, "Do you have to be Dutch to wear Von Dutch?" carly lmfao
[x] Tallest: aaron i think
[x] Shortest: michelle
[x] Always there when you need them: carly, andrea
[x] Loudest: carly
[x] Funniest: idk, they all are
[x] Hottest: zack
[x] Best dressed: i dont kno jeeze
[x] What do you think about gay/lesbian people: love who they love
[x] George Bush: fuckin idiot
[x] Suicide: uh... no
[x] Boy bands: hell yeah
[x] The color pink: :D
[x] last birthday: um. party
[x] today: eat
[x] Christmas: party
[x] Thanksgiving: eat
[x] Easter: eat candy
[x] Valentine's Day: eat candy
[x] Yesterday: shop
[x] Last weekend: um..dont remember...was i that wasted? lmao jk
[x] You ate: chewy bar
[x] Hugged: carlos
[x] Kissed: my kitty :D
[x] Drank: milk
[x] You listened to: obsession
[x] Person you saw: um..candice
[x] Person you talked to: candice
[x] Person you fucked: andrea of course lmao
[x] Are you straight: yes
[x] Are you Asian: no
[x] Are you Caucasian: yes
[x] Are you Mexican: no
[x] Are you none of the above: no
[x] Do you like eggs: yes
[x] What about candy: yes
[x] Girls: no
[x] Guys: yes
[x] You: sure
[x] Are you glad its over: HELL YEAH
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