roller skateting

Listening to: concrete angels
Feeling: happy
well today i went to the skate estate, and fell a total of 3 times. my third time falling was when i ran into the wall to see who courtney was talking 2. Gosh i;m such an idiot. Then John the DJ guy was giving me and courtney a problem, cuz he wouldn't play the songs we wanted him to play, he finally did play them.. he played family portrait, my humps, and from this moment on which we dedicated to my mom and randy. for thoes of you who dodn't no randy is my soon to be step dad, so if you ever heard the song from this moment it went perfect with them. it was so was even cool, cuz during the song me and courtney were the only ones who were skateing, because everyone else was leaving. My mom and randy already took off there skates. well that was the majority of my day, besides my 8hours at school..
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