2 more days

Listening to: single
Feeling: unappreciated
2 more days till my sweet 16, i'm so excited, i can't wait....lol i know i know you guys are prolyl all just like shut up, but ok,...its exciting...except for the fact that i may not get to get my permit due to house hold rules...ugh...well anyways... for my birthday this year, i'm not doing much...the most i'll be doing is hanging out with my family, and haveing my friends over at different times due to their schedule not working with mine....i love you all no matter how much you think i don't Kate- yes you are deffinetly one of the greatest....you may get mad at me, but i get mad at you to...so we are kinda neutral...lol ps. you will come to my dad sometime, and we will have fun...and it;ll be me making it all up to....lol ^not that, that made much sense... well i shall go now ttfn-- ta ta for now love always Moi
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i love emily... ohh yess i do!!!!
<3 Me!!
dont know you, but happy b-day