Field Day/homwork club

Listening to: jesus take the wheel
Feeling: uneasy
haha...talking to courtney, and you guys are oh so jealous....LOL well field day was fun, i watched Courtney beat gillian up in the boxing thingy, and i watched courtney beat meagan on the obsticel course thingy.. I watched katelynn do kareoke she was awesome, even no she was nervous...HAHA.. i also watched meagan gte beat by ediie on the boxing thingy to...well i believe thats it, but field day was awesome....HAHA..i just wish it was outside.... i love my gals, and so much more fun.... well homework club was ok, to bad miss.transue was there. she was talking to me while trying to figure out my flopy disk for me. but hey she did help me some...well thats a bout it...GOOD BYE
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I love you Em!