#1 big fat loser

Listening to: Mr. Lonely.....
Feeling: grr
GRR... ok so i guess i'm the only freak who still writes on here, but its ok, cuz soon you;ll all be back, and i won't haha...suckers anyways...school sucks i have no classes with anybody i have one class with kate, and one with gill, and one with meg, oh and lunch.... but thats it...gym is gay without one of my gals, and of course in all the other classes i feel like a big fat loser because i don't talk to anybody cuz i either don't like them or they have there own little group that they chill out with.. school would prolly be better if i actually slept at night, but i haven't slept good in like forever........all summer i slept like crap and now i still sleep like fuckin crap...i hate it....the last time i slept good was the first night i slept at my own house when i got back from the wonderful state of florida...so yea...i'm so tired, and misserable, and i'm sick of people, and life, and school...i no i no its like the first week of school how can i be sick of it already...you have no idea... at times i jus want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out, but i tell myself not to and to look on the brightside of things, and maybe things will get better...but they don't seem like they are they seem like their getting worse..i just want to scream everything from a frickin mountaintop....GRRR WHY? this? Why? now? why? me? GOODBYE....SO LONG!!!
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we are still here on sitdiary...just some of them want myspace and crap...don't worry...just watch out, some of em just like to leave anonymous comments,and leave you feeling like crap. well you can comment back if you want...bubi. good luck!
