I Now Hate The Dentist

i went to the dentist did morning to get my root canal done... They had to numb me 3 times, and the 3 time they numbed me through the roof of my mouth..... I can't complain, because getting numb at the bottom of your foot is way worse..i had that happen to. Well anyways i have to go back so they can finish it on the 12th of january....but i know Hate the dentist. I had to clean my room today, and i got my jewlery box (that i got from x-mas) up, and it is full of jewlery, and i'll prolly get jewlery from randys parents, and my friends...So its all good..Randys parents are comming up today around 11 or 12p.m. it all depends on what time they left there house. Yeah...Then i have to wat for my bro to come over if he ever does, in order to open my presents from them.. Then tomorrow i'm going to pizza hut, cuz i do every year with my grandpa, then on friday my bro, and kara are talking me to the movies, of ym choice. then i go to my dads for new years, but i have to tell him that i don't have to be with him if he wants to go to the bar for news year.....Then on sunday at 2 o'clock i'm going to come back to my moms, and have a dinner then stay there...intill i go back to school on tuesday..Oh my gosh i have to watch tyler tomorrow....YEAH, and maybe griffen..Grrrr.. I can't have any free time ecept for night time which isn't much, because i'm tierd and want to go tobed, but i still yet have to learn my health for my quiz on tuesday cuz i missed in wednesday when we did that concert for 9-12 graders.. Well i guess i'll go meg won't stop iming me..
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