Listening to: lonely girl
Feeling: alone
Wow, my bro actually came, and my mom made im take me out to eat, cuz she new i would like it.. i had a double cheeseburger with french bro had a nasty fish sandwitch with onion was gross to me but really good to him...EWWw..Well my mom and randy went to virgina to pick up a car, and so now i am here writing in this so the world can read..i'm waitin for 7:30 to role around so i can call courtney, and chat with her till 7th heaven comes on even tho i think its really stupid now, but hey i'm bored what am i suppose to do. Yeah well tomorrow is our last day till after turkey vacay is over, and our science teacher said that we may get out yearly, which is awesome, because that means less band Time. HaHa...i' so bummed i can't go to the blast thing and i really wanted to, i hope my friends have fun without me :'( well i guess i'll stop so you can stop readying this pathdic sobby story!! LOL
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