Feeling: confuzzled
Well...ploofy just found out my current crush, not that anyone else is going to find out.....IT was bad enough having to tell ploofy, plus i had to tell her twice,,Grrr..And she so saw it comming, and plus she use to have the same crush on the same person so she can't pick on me..:-p.. I sat with Ali today, cuz my friends weren't talking, and they didn't know i was gone till after gillian was done talking to courtm and she turned around and i wasn't there. So yeah... i was then all terrafied of them, cuz i thought they were mad at me, but they weren't so its all good...Well now i'm all embarresed that ploofy knows, and she could tll by the way i talk about him, but i don't do it around my friends. Well anyways i got to go, and get to bed, so i ca be all ready for school tomorrow, hopefully we won't have school on Friday, that would be so awesome, another 3day weekend.. I'm so confuzzed i don't know what to do for christmas, no matter what i do i'm going to spend x-mas eve with one and christmas with the other, but what everi do i'm going to make the other one mad and upset...my problem is this...my mom and randy are going to pittsburgh, and my dad is going to my aunt dee dees fchristmas day...I may stay with my dad christmas day, because it'll be easyier on me, so i believe thats what i'm going to do, but i have a christmas exchange on saturday, and i yet have to go out and by my grandma her christmas present...and so i have to try to catch my bro on his good day and as him if he will drive me down t tunk. so i can by te rest of my christmas shopping..i only have my mom, and grandma, my aunt dee dee is going to pick up the res of my dads for me...Yepp thats my wonderful dull life.
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