i guess......

Listening to: brack away
Feeling: sane
well all day i have been in a good mood...till now....i heard my mom and randy figting, abotu laundry (yeah a no what a stupid reason to fight over) well anyways, i came down to give my mom and pair of pants that were hers and not mine, and when i walked down i heard her say to randy, "pretty soon i won't be the onlt one that doesn't want to get married" so yeah i guess maybe my dream, won't come true...i guess maybe i will be moving once again...mayebe i'll never see my mom happy agin, maybe i'll never here a fight again or else its between me and my mom....Man i hope it works out, i hope they get married, i hope all the fights go away,..gosh no matter what my mom yells, they get in a fight everyday, it reminds me about when i was little, and my mom and dad use to fight everynight..you no hard that was for me and my brother to see my dad walk out one day...This time it would be me and my mom, i don't think i could handle it again....Oh well...........
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Im sorry and if you need to talk about you know that I'm always here ... remember - you arent alone - my mom walked out on me once ... and he never walked back through my door as "mom and dad" - now its "moms house" and "dads house" ....

I lobe you! ha ha
