wasted day

Listening to: its been awhile
Feeling: unimportant
I just wated my whole day studying, and i better pass my test tomorrow if i don't i will scream......I know i know it, so i better pass it, of i don't i may just fail civics. Today is wednesday, at 10 o'clock at night, and on friday i have stupid dentist appoint from my one tooth, it hasn't losened yet, and i still can't feel cold on it so that means i wil loose my tooth,...its not the worst thing that could happen, but it still sucks i'm to young to losse a tooth all ebcause i'm clumsy and i feal going up the stairs,and made a dent in the hardwood floor.. People can pick on me, and i can pick on myself, but if i have to losse my tooth, i will kill you if you pick on,....I know all this over a tooth but hey..i'm 15 i can't be getting fake teeth already thats for oldish people. Well i guess i shall go tobed so all my stupid ciics stuff is fresh in my memory tomorrow morning..hopefull we get out of shchool early, so i have more time to go christmas shopping for my mom and grandma yet. I hope i will survive, and also i hope that we don't have school on friday, because that'll give me one extra day to do my science report. Also i decided that i was going to say with my dad for shristmas, and i guess randy was going to get all mad, which him, and my mom both said they wouldn't do. So i made a promise, i am deffinetly going to go to pittsburgh with them next year..No matter what, i haven't gone the past 2years so i should go next year. I guess i'll stop this boring junk...
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