Listening to: savin me-Nickel back
Feeling: deep
blah ba de blah blah blah omg guess would have been me and adams 3months if we would have lasted that long, but the good thng is i didn't think of that till just now...i'm so proud of myself..oh and i also told myself that i'm not going to talk to him on aol...we'll i' not gonna start the convo,..if he wants to talk to me,a nd still remain friends..well then he has to start... ok thats it on him... today, i had to clean my room, bathroom, and computer room, oh ans i got to clean 5 cars today, that was fun. oh and vacume the lawn...don't ask long story..i'll tell you some other time. I really don't want tomorrow to come its gonna suck last but not leaset.... nvm....its to much to type, and i'm tierd, and want to go to bed :-(
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