i need a life!!!

Feeling: happy
hmmm??? i just asked john a question, it was wierd, but meagans gone and so i can't ask her, and none of my friends are on aol.....He helped me :-D......... it was wierd..i asked him a question i would usually ask meagan....but hey...i guess since hes going out with her i can ask him to right??? or is that wierd?? i feel so much better today....like its wierd...i haven't felt this happy since not sure, but hey...its really wierd...hmm?? maybe i'm moving on...lol...j/k.. well iw ent to the pla today (caught in the act) gillain moved a tree, and acted so muc like herself...the play was good except the ending that was kind of stupid...but kate was there, and that was fun i got to met her one cousin..lol...kate, he acts so much like gillian (remeber: denile is not just a river in egypt)....lol..i love you katelynn, and the family, well the ones i seen tonight ummmm...ummmm.....i'm not goonna say anything more i think i'm done now....GOOD BYE
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