Listening to: angels among us
Feeling: bipolar
i feel bipolar...some times i'm happy and the next i'm sad,and i don't think its normal...lol./...but i guess...well...AHHHH i hate science i'm taking a short breack away from it, because i'm so tierd of reading about thomas edison, the guy is so boring. but i have to do atleat 5 pages on him, and i onlt got three so far.. i have to get it done tonight so i can have my mom read it tomorrow, and i don't have to do it all on thursday, cuz i'm not gonna be home ahhh..so much confussion... i ahte school, i hate everything about it, and i don't think anything will ever change. i know i know i'm planning on being a teacher, but itll be different, cuz i'll be teaching instaed of being the one being taught...right? right....i can't wait till this project in consumer science is done.. me and kate are doing it together the only thing we are haveing a problem with is the "nutrious" food...Grrr,.....and every time i see if she can come over shes busy... COURT- how come you never invited me to your dads, but katelynns going...i'm so jealous...LOL.. AHHHHH I NEED A LIFE!!!!!!!!!
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