yadda yadda yadda yes i no wow... Tee hee what interesting entry.. did you knwo if you jump off somethng high, flap your arms....you can actully fly for a little bit, but then you fall and hit the gorund.... i just got asked to write an article... misty wants to make a newspaper, and so she asked if i'd write an article for her, and so i said i would so now alls i have to do is coem up with a title then write about it.. Tomorrow Ed, me, Meg, and John are hanging out...it'll be so much fun.... then sunday i leave to go to camp so i won't write in here again till friday when i return... i'm going to sky lake, and i'm "snap"ing (special needs assistance personal) so i'll lte you know how it goes when i return well theres nothing really else to say so i'll talk to all you later love, SPEM ps. katelynn- I LOVE YOU
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OMG SPEM I LOVE YOU TOO!!! thanks for the little shout out... much love.. btw, I have SO much to tell you... cant wait till you come back