currently annoyed

people... why can't everything be normal, why are some shy, and others aren't....Why are some dorks, and other aren't...Why are some stupid, and don't know what they want intill the loose it. I may never get what i want, because I secound doubt myself,a nd i allways think the worst..... b-ball game was ok...i watched a bit of it then it got really hot, and loud in the gym so i was out in the hallway with ploofy and adam, then katelynn, and gillian came out, because they got bored to... Guess what i realized...i don't care anymore i'm going to do what i want when i want...this has something totally different then eveyrthing else above.. See Ya
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hey ...

courtney here - you didnt havfta go to the game if you didnt want to ... but w.e.
