
Feeling: annoyed
Isn't life just fricken great.. you parents that aren't together anymore that fight, you have to be the kid messenger, and you also have to get yelled at for what the other parent says to you to tell the other one, you have to choose each christmas who the heck you are going to stay with.. if you never had to do this you will not understand, and let me tell you, my parents, tell me that they won't get upset with me for what i pick, but they do anyways. Lets see my mom and randy told me that they were going to go to pittsburgh,and that if i wanted to saty with my dad they wouldn't get mad, and i picked to saty with my dad, and randy started to get mad, and my mom told him not to cuz thats what they told me they weren't going to do. Then my mom yelled at me for telling her that my dad couldn't afford for me to get a rootcanal done on my tooth, and she started yelling at me..I'm like call my dad.. Friends will drift, but true friends won't no matter what!!!!!!
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