Feeling: aggravated
You know what i reliezed..... that no one really knows me LIKE at all... I just can't wait till school is over tomorrow.... a whole myself, even tho i do have to babysit.. maybe next year will be better, i highly doubt it but maybe?? I DON"T KNOW ANYMORE... I DON"T know anything... i'm juts so sick of people!!!!
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"You know what i reliezed.....
that no one really knows me LIKE at all... "

ha feels like it came right out of my mouth. I think we all feel like that in some ways. I sucks though. I hope you end up having a good summer though.

I may not know everything about you (no one knows everything about anyone) but I do know that I love you and that you are the best friend anyone could have. You are a sweet heart, and I love you!