long time

Listening to: lean on me..
Feeling: bad
well i just spent,about 30mins looking up this word that i really knoew what it ment...Anyways well today was ierd i didn't feel like waiting for my one friend to get out of food, so i ran to my locker, and so me and court went to the buses, sence court stayed after for sweets she went to my locker, so yeah.. when i got home my friend called and asked me if i was mad at her... No i am no i just didn't feel like waiting honestly. I swear... Anywho, and so now i am trying to take up time before 7:30 its going by o so slow i feel like its 8, but its really only 6 so yeah i have a while before i can call courtney. i know it may seem like i'm trying to ignore you (you know who you are), but me and court don't talk aften so when we get the chance i catch up plus i talk to you ever period.. so if i'm doing something to upset you pleas tell me, and i'm sorry.......Really i am.. For i love all my friends and the last thing i want to do this year is have a little drama thing go on like what happens ever year.... Well thats all my junk for today!!
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