Back To School

Listening to: Sandy (grease)
Feeling: moodless
Well my mouth still hirts, and my lip will have times where it'll just start bleeding. Well today was our first day back form thnaksgiving vacay, and everyone of my friends now know about my teeth going into the hardwood floor. Well ididn't want to tell everyone but karen today in math was going on to this and this, and so i got mad and told her everything. i think court was thinking something, but i just thought i'd tell everyone why i did that. When i told katelynn, and Gillian they kept saying that there sisters almost lost there tooth. So i got mad and said yeah but they didn't my dentist even said that theres a good chance that i will loose my tooth.....Sorry guys. Then today after i ate lunch i started feeling sick, and so did court, and ali..Well i guess the flu is going around. i'm better now i just hope ali, and i are good tomorrow. I really need sleep, cuz when i got out of my shower tonight i felt like everything was in slow motion, and meagan says she gets that why when she is tierd, but doesn't feal tierd, and after chourus, and junk like that, Well i guess i'll go so i can go watch gillmore girls, and then i hit my pillow, and sleep... Love all my friends, and tyhanks for everything.
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