R.I.P Grandma

ok so its almost been a month since my aunt gails death, and today at 9:00a.m. my grandma sherwood passed away.... i'm going to camp, but her funeral is wednesday so i'm leaving camp wednesday morning, and go back down thursday morning if they will let me, which i hope they do and by them i mean my mom and randy, and sky lake, which i know they will let me... so thats my story..and when aunt dee told me i tryed to call KATe, and she wasn't home, so then i tryed to call meagan and she wasnt' home so i called GILLIAN and she was...man i love and miss that girl... well thats all R.I.P. Grandma The time has come when we all must say bye but its not forever, and we all know why the momorys we all have is whats going to keep us strong.. grandpa with your beautiful smile when he saw you walk down the aisle. your son and daughter with your screaming face as they started to give you some more space. all you grandchildren with your wonderful stories but the one thing we wll all treasure most is your love for each and everyone of us!! so although the time has come its not really goodbye its more of a reunion of all the wonderful times, you have tought me oh so much, how to be strong, and caring .... how to finish it
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