yes you said...LIFE SUCKS......... but it turns out we all have a different deffanition for that...only because we have something different going on in our lives.... just because we are all sometimes happy doesn't mean that we don't have those days when we wonder what the world would be like without us there...think about....we all have thought it, or dreamed about it...its just apart of life. Just think if we all had a good life, would there be anything worth living for.....The part of haveing a bad day is awesome because when we have a good day its better then ever.. Just to let you all know its good to talk to people about your problems even the ones that you think won't care, cuz if you tell them the truth on how your feeling they may do something to help................ .....YOU NEVER KNOW TILL YOU TRY!!! so if your having a crappy day, and you just want to pass over and die,....just think about the ones that love you the most, think of what they'll be like when your gone.... LOVE YOU ALL and if anyone needs someone to talk to i'll alwyas be here for you... i may not always say what you want to hear, but its always the truth, and i'm just trying to bare with me :-D
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