I"m BAck

Camp was AWESOME i learned so much i learned that our life isn't as hard as we allt hink it is, and that there so many things that we have that they don't... i felt so bad for some of them, and i almost cryed everytime..i seen them..... it was deffinetly worth going.... i have a boyfriend,......his name is arnie, apparintly i look like snow white, and he is my prince that dances with me, and oh...hes going to marry me some day... another one paul...he is so aweosme i got told i was cute, and beautiful a lot of times, and i look like a hamster---which is a cute animal according to paul--- Ralph- he was so sweet...he cared, and he was very out going, and liked to party, and he was so adorable... so i have a total of 4 boyfriends.... ED, arnie, paul, and ralph... i had a blast, and i hope none of you guys missed me to much, which i'm sure none of you have.....:-D I get to see Ed tomorrow before he leaves for a week....UGH my mom and randy finally get to meet him, and maybe betty-lou and Ron, and caitlyn and Abby (randys nieces) well i think thats it for my wonderful story....LOVE YA ALL Spk- i can't wait to talk to you, i want to know everything, and i know something but i'm not sure if i'm right...so Call me or something,,,,,TALK TO ME SOON....I MISS YOU LOVE YA ALWAYS
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Emily Ruth Golden.. i absolutely love you with all of my heart ((okay so maybe not all of it))
