current mood: i dont even really kno
well i've found out whats wrong with me, this really sux, but atleast its clarity
i have a mental disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
so thats why i randomly freak out over furtually nothing..
heh.. great.. i really am a freak..
o well thats life, atleast i have prolly the strongest, most amazing person by my side, i dunno how shes taken all this, cause she really hasn't had too
thanks meaghan:), one day this will be gone, and i'll pay you back, dont worry, it'll be alright
as for now i dunno
ugh.. this sux
Don't freak out about it so much, it's not as if you have been diagnosed by a doctor or something like that. You just fit the discription slightly.
Whatever it is we'll get through it.
Later, Love you,
its fuuuuuuuuked