
Feeling: comfortable
i have become comfortably numb.... talk to sara, we talked about a few things, i think the fact i was so deeply in love with her and all of our idiotic escapades and me fooling myself into all of that will pass from our immidiate consciousness soon... brantly came at me about putting a bunch of shitty remarks in sara's diary, which i did not do... that guy needs a new hobby besides monitoring sara... doesn't he have a girlfriend? whatever. i've said it before and i'll say it again, that ordeal is done, so brantly, why can't you just leave it alone? whatever... anyhoo, i've been writing like my body is entirely composed of lyrics and i've sprung a leak. it's rad. i'm rad. sara's rad. and even brantly's rad when he's not being a creep. peace, love, and marijuana sauce...
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yo, im sorry about that night when i pounced on you. I was pieced off and got caught up in a moment of immaturity, i admit.