in other news

Listening to: 311 - down
Feeling: different
well, i didn't do wednesday today. i just stayed home and did shit around the house and math and got high. it was boring. and david shafted me on the dishes and he's gone tro bed and now i gotta do that shit to. i'm gunna get loaded again before bed. maybe i'll call krispy and she how she is. by the way, in case you're uninformed (and unless you're one of a very few people you are uninformed) the whole drama between us is done. things are pretty much straight. and some things are not for mass consumption. that said, leave it alone, it's none of your business, if it was, we'd tell you. anyways, i gotta go scrub some nasty greasy dishes. fuck me running.oh yeah and i saw the Locust and Dillinger Esc. Plan on monday and sunday i turned 18. and i got a bass from my folks and krispy gave me the soundtrack to "the song remains the same" (if you don't know who that's by you're a dummy). that was really thoughtful *self-inflicted guilt trip*.... anyhoo, bret payed for my ticket to the show so that's what he got me. and mext friday is PRIMUS. woot. peace love and (EXTRA) marijuana sauce...
Read 5 comments
I never told to to "sit there and keep quite". I don't give a damn what you say, or whom you say it to. What I do care about is the way you word your comments. If you have a problem with one of my friends, you're well within your rights to get pissed off and voice your opinions, I just ask that you use a little more discression in selecting your words in the future. Understand?
p.s. Hapy Birthday. Where's the porn?
happy b-lated b-day.. love ya.. haha um ya i love ur header pic its a crack-up.. lol later krys
man i LOVE your header picture. its like, adorable and lets face it, the truth has to be put out there.
your header picture is soo rad