My testes are exploding with joy!
No really, today was a better day. It still is.
I feel like I can think straight again, suddenly. My mind felt clogged with nonsense, and nothing was good for me.
And to make something clear--I'm usually in a state of mind, when sad or depressed, that I feel I can create. For me, that's one of the greatest times to do something, creatively. And as I told a certain someone (Lyss ;) ) once, people should experience all emotions equally. There needs to be equilibrium in almost all things, I believe.
Today, I got to talk a lot to one of my very good friends, Brittany, quite a bit, and it was fun. Except in the first half of second block, when I discussed religion, my newly formed opinion on Mormonism (some of you mormons may be glad to know I defended you. Still sucks, though. ^.^), The book of Enoch, God's little joke on Abraham*, etc. But before and after that, it was all fun and games! ;D I think I may be losing my voice, however, due to excessive screaming in her car.
It was Beth, Becky, Brittany, and me. Beth likes to scream and all, and so do I, because everybody laughs. Me having the highest pitched voice of all, screamed until I could barely take anymore, and at some point I couldn't scream anymore, and my voice just went deeper all of a sudden. No joke. I have the lowest voice, too, just to clarify. :-)
*'Kay, so like God's little prank on Abraham. You can turn to Genesis chapter 22, to read up. As you may know, God had Abraham take one of his son's (I won't say Ishmael or Isaac, because different writings tell different sons. Though the Bible uses Isaac) to a mountain, tie him up, and he told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Then God tells him that he doesn't really want him to sacrifice his son. It was just a test to see if Abraham would obey.
Well anyway, I told my spin on it, by saying God comes up and says "Haha, I was just playin.'" Brittany, though being a pretty dedicated Christian, laughed her ass off, and so did I.
We LOL'd 4 rel.
You really woulda had to be there, but it was effin' hilarious, at the time.
But yes, eh. I guess that's all I have to say.
And thank you, Kelly, for being okay with my constant repitition of the word
sad as of late. ;P
Sa like.
OH! Just to let you know, I'm adding another project to my list of writings I need to complete. I plan on going more indepth with my poetry for the Art of Flesh series. Sound ridiculous, you say?! Well, it is!
But let me explain this Art of Flesh thing. It was a term I came up with a couple years ago, meaning how people are works of art. The abstract, and the ones that are colored inside the lines. The one who have no lines, and the ones who draw the lines. The Art of Flesh represented the closed-minded and the open-minded. The individuals and the inseparable.
It's since then been a name I've often used as usernames on various sites. Because it's a name I'd plan to use if I'd ever be in a band, or anything like that. And it's also a book of poems I want to write. Stories to represent the various faces of people.
And those are the pieces I plan to put together over a course of time, and I hope someday to have them published in a book, called The Art of Flesh.
So far, I've written one poem for it that I called Dead Love. My next one is planned, but not written.
And yes, that's that.
Haha. o.o I'm gonna make a story real quick.
With these pictures I took the other day. I took a bunch that day with my
low resolution webcam
'Kay, so like. I'm chilliiiin' I'm all koo an' sht. I just ate some Frito Lays and I'm jammin' out to some fine gangsta rappah.


Handzilla invades my face. He's all ferocious and my dog shits his pants. I'm scared, as you can see by the look on my face.

But it turns out Handzilla just wanted some love. Everyone panicked for nothing.
That's all!
Thanks for readin!'
-I am Love.
and those guys that were talking about me are douches and theyll burn in the firey pit that is called hell because they suck and losers go to hell so yeah
♥ alyssa