Fuck you, but Thank you

SO HERE'S A STORY (If you DO feel the need to ignore this entire important story I'm about to tell you, and you prefer to be a jerk and not read my awesome story, then AT LEAST, jump down and read the part I'm particularly excited about right now). So I'm a 12th grader taking Art A Honors, or Art IV. This is the first opportunity we've had in art, where we are in charge of our own projects. Well this semester I did my first acryllic painting that I absolutely adore, because it exceeded a certain amount of talent in that medium than I thought I had acquired. Well, a short while later my art teacher has an art presentation, and I notice she isn't taking those paintings I had done that semester, but took this other chick's paintings instead. So I ask her, if she's not taking mine to that presentation, if I can go a head and take them home (She had told me previously that she had intentions of taking that level's artwork and putting it all together, and it began to be obvious here, she wasn't going to show mine off) Well she responded to my question, saying she might just take one, and that she had thought about it anyway. I go in there the next day, and she hadn't taken mine, like I figured she wouldn't. And funny; that same day she went to the girl in my class who's art was taken to the show (there are three of us in that particular class, along with Art II students), and said she was going to see about putting her art in the library to be displayed. This made me really sad. And I realized here that it doesn't matter what it is, if it's my style then she's not going to give it the same appreciation as this other student. And so I've been trying to think of ways to cope with this in my own style. A way to show off my own work. And tonight I got on the internet for a brief moment to tell my girlfriend I love her, when suddenly I got an excellent idea-- OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GOOD PART: I decided to check out submission guidelines for a COMIC BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY, AND AND AND I'm going to start dreaming constantly, about comic book ideas, AND OH MY GOD I'm going to take a stab at getting a comic book published, in the near future. And yes, I am taking all this very seriously. Believe in me All ye faithful children of mine own. Believe.
Erika, it doesn't matter how many times we are struck, we will survive the Hell storm.
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Hey Behbeh! I'm sorry I never comment on your entries. I just can't think of anything to say that is worthy of the types of things you write. BUT LIFE POOS ON ANYWAY, so yep. I'm ver ver excited to see what you come up with. Let me know if I can help you in any kind of way, or something. Yeah. WELL. I have only about 100 more characters so...I LOVE YOU!!!!! :)