
Wow Niggles! Baby Boom! Baby Boom! Why I do believe we've reached the age of the Abortion Boom, would you agree? Certainly the little funny I made there made you laugh insanely! Maybe not. Maybe you don't get it. :-( Maybe I'm a horrible person that picks the wrong things to joke about. [Maybe you should prepare yourselves for me to talk all "symbolic" using current events soon, such as this. ;- I see it coming.] I'm gonna try to be vague here, for fear that the wrong people may view, by chance. So I meet this chick yesterday for the first time, right. [KINDA the first time. It wasn't really. But it was the first time I've ever hung out with her] And I'm all wanting to date her, like Hell. Just. One. Problem. I thinky she no likey me, even as a friend. I don't know though. :-( I just backspaced a whole mess of stuff here! Later, people, later! But yeah. I'll elaborate when I feel like the wrong people won't be reading this! Erghamooch! 'Kay! G'night ever-body! LOLZA I MAKE NO SENSE! -TAoF
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I'm on AOL right now!

Where are you :o(

♥ Lyss*