in the night, you are my dream

Woah, let's see how my day went, shall we? (We shall, whether you like it or not!) Bus ride - I tried sleeping, didn't happen. Getting to school - Ryan came over to sit with my friends and I. And then he walked me to my locker. =) Homeroom - I don't remember that. =X First period - I had gym class. They made us go outside and play football. It twas muy triste! 2nd period - I did 2 sections of math 3rd period - went over section of math 4th period - went over some worksheet then worked on more boringness of the Vietnam War. 5th period - disected a sheep heart ; yeah, that was groooooovy. Lunch - Ryan came and sat by us again. =) 6th period - took a quiz. and ummm, talked about something. I really wasn't paying attention. 7th period - oh gosh, I got a test back. Got a 48 or something bad like that. got a progress report...I have a D+. Definately not good. Spanish was my strong point...and now obviously it's not. OH FUCKING WELL. Then back at my locker, Ryan came over and he licked my neck. He's weird ; but I looooove him. And I spent a few minutes with him, and then I went to me bus. Bus ride home - My friend Nikki told me that her friend Karl still hasn't asked her out yet. And he was supposed to on Saturday night, at the prom. Stupid asshole. ! Yeah. My day went by soooo slowly. It sucked. Except for when I get to be with Ryan, but I still don't have my fucking voice back. =( So that puts a bummer on everything. I getta skip school on Thursday. Good thing. School pisses me off to the highest extremeness. Yeahhhhhhhhhh, and that is my life. Kinda boring, right? Yeah =( 98% of teenagers drink or have been around alcohol, put this in your profile if you like bagles. Teehee...I love that. I should totally put it in my AOL profile but that has DMB songs in it. =)
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