crazy funky cheeses

ahhhh! Where has the time been going! I find it extremely saddening that tomorrow is Monday. MONDAY! Monday = school. =[ What the hell? This is one of the reasons I HATE time. I wanna punch it in the face. Hmmm, I've been saying that a lot lately. But it's true. I'd have a grand ol' time just punching everybody that's been pissing me off lately. Ahhh, it'd be fucking fun. Okay, yes, Jamie is full of anger. But when am I not filled with anger??? I fucking hate that I bottle everything up and then when something finally makes me extremely mad, I let it all out...with that one topic and GRRR! Rawr! Well, anyway, I've been very busy this weekend. Friday was ...hmm... unusual. Fun, but unusual. Or at least the morning was. Yeah. School, work, sleep, soccer, eat, work, sleep, eat, soccer. That was my weekend. Summed up. A couple details [obviously I don't give a shit about anything that happened...] include that I made $114 this weekend. That's pretty awesome for only working twelve hours. My dad's friends from Jersey came up and Flo wants to do my eyebrows. She's a cosmotologist, or whatever the hell it is. Yeah, so...whatever. She's really bubbly and very religious. Ugh. I'm not a fan of religion. It ruins the world just like that bullshit thing called politics. And so does money. And capitalism. Err, yeah, whatever. I just lost myself. Oh and my game today, we tied. Five to five. Whooptifuckingdoo. My legs hurt. Ugh. School should be off tomorrow. Tis Columbus Day. Hopefully tomorrow shall be interesting....
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Yeah... descriptive haha, I would say more like weird, I am sure you are not a bad writer, you are probably being modest
Dang, my computer wont let me look at that one... dang. If you want to I could give you my e-mail and you could send it to me, it should work then. Let me know if you want to e-mail me and I'll give you my address