the world is a mythical wonder

I have a cold. I skipped my soccer game, which I feel extremely guilty. Not good, not good at all. Today I turned 17. Whooptidoo. I'm only welcoming in another year of me being indecisive and making bad decisions. Welcoming in another year where I try to find more about myself but come confused in anything I've ever believed in. Like, for instance, me being "anti-Bush". I'm not even sure if I still am. I haven't watched the news in weeks, not since he vetoed Stem-Cell Research. And that was a while ago. Currently, I have no reason to hate him. I could hate him for this war that we're in. But it's not possible. If we take our troops out now, the civilians will only be able to fend for themselves cos I'm pretty sure Iraq is in a Civil War. Or will be getting into one shortly. No, we have to get the job done. Killing our troops. I guess we have to do that. When they signed up for "helping our country" they knew sometimes they would be in life or death situations. Of course I'm still pretty much for peace but seriously. We get told to finish what we started, we learn that in like first grade, maybe earlier...and with all these organizations saying that we need to pull out NOW. Now, is not an option. I have heard something about how the Democrats could take the majority of the Senate in November. And then, they'd be able to impeach the president. Oh, but then who takes over? The Vice President, Mr. Dick Cheney? I hope not. But all these politics. Politics break the nation. It's happening right before our very eyes! Republicans hate Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans! Why don't we just fucking get rid of both parties. Why doesn't the whole of the country turn to the Green/Independent Party? & another good idea, would be for the world to finally realize that GLOBAL WARMING is happening. Fucking bastards if they don't see it. So yeah, seventeen. Strange how I've been around for seventeen years. It doesn't seem like that long. Really, it doesn't. I hate time. Anyway, It's 4:20! Hahahahaha. I'm bored. I wish I was playing soccer right now. OOOOH, if I went to my game, I'd still be playing soccer right now. Dammit. Why oh why you stupid brain! =[
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your life seems interesting. And its funny that you say I should write a book, because I am writing one. haha.