you never know where you're going until grey street

Last entry, I was talking about how I needed to get away from life, yeah, well, my chance is coming up. My whole psycho family from Virginia is coming up July 3rd...And they're all about taking me home with them because everybody is trying to figure out a way to get me down there on the 22nd. So, there's a possibility I could leave with them. Spend like 2 or 3 weeks in VA, then go to South Carolina...But then I still have to deal with my family. Trust me, you don't want to meet them. They're all totally fucking crazy. And annoying. Very annoying. And they have pets they treat like they're children. I also heard my dad telling my mum that another half of the family is coming...I haven't seen these people in years; I don't remember them. I doubt I want to. I'm feeling bitter tonight. So, yes, I do decide to take it out on my damn family. But anyway, taking on my family for 2 or 3 more weeks than I already have to is completely insane. After just 3 days of them, I'm usually sick of 'em. And besides, I wouldn't be getting complete freedom. I'd be staying with my grandparents. My grandma thinks I starve myself, so she's constantly trying to stuff my face. My grandpa is a giant history buff...and he's blind. Hey, fuck it. It's only family. Can I move over to friends? Yep. Willy. Ahhhh, Willy fucking Shaffer. You piss me off. You're always trying to help me with my problems but then when I tell you something, you act like you don't care. So where the fuck is the point in me telling you shit? And all you ever talk about is drinking. I wish you'd just turn into the biggest fucking alcoholic cos you terribly piss me off. And then you go driving one day and hit a tree. (Bad thing to say, yes, I know...but hey, I'm feeling bitchy, and this is where I can express myself...sort of freely.) Just go fuck yourself, cos I'm tired of dealing with you. Oh and my day, it was fine. It's Father's Day, obviously. And I made my dad a Dave Matthews Band shirt that he's going to be wearing to the concert. (: My dad, being the nice guy he is, let me have not ONE Mike's Hard Lemonade, but TWO!!! Score! He's perfectly fine with me drinking them. I just have to ask him first, and be at my house drinking them. Ummm, my brother stopped by! And that was nice. And Ryan called, that was nice, too. And my dear brother finally introduced me to the band O.A.R. which stands for Order A Revolution. Lindy has been talking about them for finally getting to hear them was awesome. I guess I'm in a better mood than yesterday. Actually, nevermind, I'm probably not. I feel like I'm wasting away cos everyday it's the same old thing. And I keep forgetting what happens on what days cos it all seems to flow together. Drives me insane. But I guess all I might need is a good nights' sleep. Which, I guess I sort of got one last night. I didn't have shitty dreams. I actually didn't even dream. Good thing. One more dream about Ryan breaking up with me, I probably would've done something rash. Which would NOT be a good idea. No, no, no. Me + being rash = major fucking consequences. Maybe my solution is to listen to some nice, semi-mellow music. Like Oasis. Dave Matthews Band. Jack Johnson. Ben Harper. Coldplay. Nice, calming music to ease my soul and mind. Maybe even some Jimi Hendrix (watched a great film on him today). Hendrix is awesome. Let's see. Could I do this? I have 2 Oasis, 4 (?) DMB, 2 Jack Johnson, 2 Ben Harper, 2 Coldplay, and 1 Jimi Hendrix. Why, yes, it'd be nice. Maybe even get some Ani DiFranco into it. Some Bob Dylan. And Bob Marley. I have enough Bob Marley to soothe any pothead's mind. Too bad I'm not one. Hah. Just kidding, of course. Like seriously, me, a stoner? ;] I'd be living up to the name some people have given me. Fucking assholes. Say, what have I even said this entry? Hmmmm...I don't know. I don't remember. Obviously a bunch of pointless things. =/ Yay! Another entry filled with pointless rambling! What else is new! Ehhhh...nothing! WOW! Maybe I'll let my other diary in on things about me. Good idea Jamie, until you tell one of your friends about it. Which you're going to. You always do. =/ Oh well. Hmmmm, I just hope my family is out of my house by July 5th. I do not need Ryan meeting them. They'll all play 20 Questions with him. Oh and my dad, get this. He's talking to one of his sisters' and he's like "Yeah, Jamie has a boyfriend But the other day she was trying to go meet some other guy...." So now, my family probably thinks I'm cheating on Ryan. But I'm not. I'm really not. I was trying to go meet my friend Justin in Callicoon cos I haven't seen him in a few months and he used to be one of my best friends. And dad is sooo stupid. =( This has been a long entry. I'm sorry I ramble on and on and on. But it's really easy to do when avoiding a subject that is never ever going to make its way onto here.
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