a world of shame

Listening to: Tom Petty
Well, those weird awkward phase-like things keep happening to me. I really don't understand it. My brain right now is attracted to this guy that I barely like. In fact, I pretty much dislike him...A LOT! But he is a nice guy, the only reason I dislike him is cos he's like madly in love with Bush. UGH. We're like soooo different from each other, yet somehow, my mind can get an image of us together. It's fucking weird. And sadly, Amelia, Isabel, and Ruby know about this. Amelia thinks I should go put my head in a trash can. So do I. =/ Haha, yes, it's THAT fucked up! And then a few of my friends think I like Ryan's friend Ed cos I said he was cute. Which he is. :) haha! But no, I do not like Ed. && Jess wants to hang out with me Saturday after soccer practice... "Jamie, If your not doing anything after practice on saterday would you want to hangout maybe? My sister is a cheerleader and she has a game in livingston Manor or saterday, and i really want to hangout with you, and i really don't want to go to the game alone. Plus, it would be a plus to hangout with you/get to know you better. Just because you know you want to see me more:P. Ok, maybe its the other way around, but yeah...Come on, I'm cute and adorable, and you know you want to see my cute dimples:)... and my parents said i could bring someone along so i'm not so bored the whole time... You know you wanna... Ok, enought bothering you... i g2g anyway, i got work "Peace & love" beautiful -jess" AHHHH! And she's like the only person that knows I'm in the middle of questioning what I am. [Well, Willy also knows. And Ryan might, he probably does. && you guys know, on here...] I can't see myself with her. AT ALL! And I don't want to "experiment" with people cos I don't want to hurt people. =[ Fuckkk! Well, good news, I'm finally trying to stop liking Ryan. Oh yeah, doin' good! Haha, all I really have to do is think about some other kid like 24/7! Which is probably going to be next to impossible, but that's why good-lookin' blokes like Shaun White exist in this world. [Yes, He is my one "true" love!] Anyway, enough of this confusing bullshit! I'll start with yesterday! It was stupid! But Jeremy picked me up along with Ashley and Dan. && we stopped at Gino's house, I guess to look for Gino ? I don't know! Well, he wasn't there so we drove Dan home. Haha, he has a pet PIG. And he's actually pretty nice. He's no longer a giant asshole, but he still talks a lot. [go figure!] Then Jeremy, Ashley, and I came home and we just hung out. Played a bit of soccer. Ate food. And yeah. I'm finally starting to warm up to Ashley, she came to hang out with me a lot. I guess she really wants me to like her...maybe. But her and Jeremy aren't going out, and she won't give me a straight answer to if she likes him or not, which pretty much means that she does. =] But yeah, I'm fine with it. I registered for the SATs yesterday. UGHHHH. I FUCKING HATE ALL THIS WEIRD FUCKING BULLSHIT!! Anyway, today, was alright, I guess. Haha. SCORE for not remembering! Wooohooooooo! Some kid started talking to me and I was just like "Do I know you?" and he's like "no" Haha, fucking weird people! Right now I'm in the middle of a theme rewrite about Peter. [Yeah, it's a bore.] I don't really like him. He's an ass and evil. No, really, he is! Oh well, whatever. Stupid, boring kid. OOOOH! But I do have 324 words written, the minimum amount is 250, I think I'm doin' good. And well, Ermmmm, I guess life goes on. FUCKER. I hate those random thoughts I have. I can't get them onto the computer, but they come to me every fuckin' second of the day. =[ Can't they just leave me alone!!! Especially during History, but they're not random things, they're things I wish to say aloud. But I'm so fucking passive and quiet and fucking shit like that that I never truly say what the fuck is going on in my fucking head. =[ Yeah. Bullshit I tell you. Tis all fucking bullshit!
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